Amanda Brothwell

ISEA 2016 – The Engineering of Sport 11

It’s been announced that the 11th conference of the International Sports Engineering Association will take place in Delft from 11th up to 14th of July 2016 at TU Delft.  Please visit the website for further information.

ISEA Fellow

Professor Sadayuki Ujihashi was acknowledged as the newest ISEA Fellow at the Engineering of Sport conference dinner on Thursday 17 July 2014.

Image Competition 2013/14- Deadline Extended!

Showcasing the best in sports science, engineering, and technology

The ISEA Image Competition 2013/14 is an opportunity open to all involved in sports engineering, science, and technology to showcase the best expertise in sport. We are looking for captivating and exciting images that convey and explain the outstanding research and consultancy being conducted in the field of sports science and engineering. Selected images will be exhibited at the ISEA Engineering of Sport 10 Conference, Sheffield 14-17th July 2014.


– Photographic (Still or motion)

– Computer Generated (Still or animation)

Closing Date:

– 30th April 2014


– Best In Show: £250

– Best In Category: £100

– 10 Runners Up: £25

For full details, please see here