About the Journal

Sports Engineering is the official journal of the International Sports Engineering Association. Founded in 1998 it is the longest running journal in the field of Sports Engineering and Technology and publishes quality international articles on engineering and technology in sport.

The Journal intends to fill the niche area which lies between classical engineering and sports science and aims to bridge the gap between the analysis of the equipment and the athlete. The Journal acts as a forum where research, industry and the sports sector can exchange knowledge and ideas.

The journal transitioned to Continuous Article Publishing in 2019. This means that what was Special Issues are now Special Collection, which essentially means a virtual online collection of papers under a set topic. This a positive development for our journal, as it gives us greater flexibility over Special Issues/Collections.

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Please see the journal strategy:

All of our board have proven themselves to be high quality reviewers and they represent a wide range of expertise within the discipline of Sports Engineering. We hope to welcome more members to our board in time, if you are interested in getting involved, or would like to help the journal by reviewing papers please contact us at isea@shu.ac.uk

Journal Editors

Tom Allen

Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Editor in Chief

Marcos Bencomo

Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Communications Officer

Bert Blocken

Anemos BV and KU Leuven, Belgium
Associate Editor

Ami Drory

The Australian National University
Associate Editor

Hugo Espinosa

Griffith University, Australia
Associate Editor

Aimee Mears

Loughborough University, UK
Associate Editor

Andrea Zignoli

University of Trento, Italy
Associate Editor