This is a joint event with the ISSS (https://www.isss.ski/)
Full information on the International Lecture Series page.
Thank you to everyone who entered the Student Project Competition this year. The standard was very high which made the judging difficult but the Top 3 receiving prize money and a 1-year student membership have been selected. Congratulations to our winners!
1st Place – Nicholas Cecchi
2nd Place – Johannes Hafergut
3rd Place – Thomas Heipke
The ISEA announced the new Executive Committee at the AGM held on 14 November 2024.
New Directors (new 2-year term)
Continuing Directors (1 year left)
New Executive Committee members (new 2-year term)
Continuing Executive Committee members (1 year left)
New Student Executive Committee member (1 year term)
Add it to your diary…..the 16th ISEA Conference will take place June 8-11, 2026 at Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. Updates will appear on our website as they are released.
There are two deadlines coming up next week so act now if you haven’t already done so….
A recent article in the IMechE members magazine, Professional Engineering, focused on Sports Engineering: Game changers – How engineers are reinventing sport (imeche.org)
The ISEA will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 14th November 2024 at 21.00 UTC. This meeting signifies the end of the term for two of the Directors (President and Secretary) and 5 members of the Executive Committee.
Meeting details have been sent by email to members. If you are a member and have not received the email then please check your spam/junk folder then get in touch with isea@shu.ac.uk if you still haven’t received it.
The Student Competition has now launched for this year. The annual infographic competition is open to all students and the closing date is Thursday 31st October 2024. Please check out the Student Competition page for more information and take a look at some of our previous winners for some inspiration.
Good luck!
Copy of email sent to members 6th September 2024
Dear ISEA member,
In November we will be holding our next AGM. As per our current Bye Laws (clause 1.3), two of our four directors must retire their position. Directors can be immediately re-elected to their position subject to maximum term limits as specified in our Bye Laws. This signifies the end of the two-year term for the director roles of President and Secretary for the ISEA. The roles of Treasurer and Special Advisor will continue in post until the AGM in 2025.
If you would like to nominate yourself to stand for the roles of President and/or Secretary, please complete the following online form and send a profile photo to isea@shu.ac.uk. Please note that the present incumbents, are eligible to stand for re-election to these roles.
The nominations to stand for the Executive Committee (EC) is also now open. We have changed the way the EC is re-elected so will only be seeking 5 new members each year. We particularly welcome nominations from our student members as it is important to us that each section of our membership is represented. If you are interested, then please complete the same online form and send a profile photo to isea@shu.ac.uk.
The continued success of the ISEA relies upon its members contributing to the running and strategic vision of the association. The above opportunities provide a fantastic platform for the ISEA to benefit from the immense experience and expertise of its our members.
For any questions around eligibility, please contact isea@shu.ac.uk
The deadline for self-nomination is 22:00 (UTC+1) on Monday 30th September 2024.
Best regards,
ISEA Executive Committee