International Journal of Golf Science
The International Journal of Golf Science (IJGS) is a peer reviewed publication and is the official journal of Golf Science, also known as the World Scientific Congress of Golf (WSCG). The WSCG was initiated in St. Andrews, Scotland, and held its first WSCG meeting in 1990. Alastair Cochran and Martin Farrally established the World Scientific Congress of Golf Trust to support the organization through 2002. The mission of Golf Science and the WSCG is to bring together researchers, professionals, and interested golfers to further the study and understanding of the golfer, the golf course, and equipment and technology.
The mission of the journal is to advance the scientific knowledge of the game of golf and enhance the game through the application of that knowledge. The journal is dedicated to stimulating and disseminating peer-reviewed research related to the golfer, equipment and technology, the golf course, business and management, and golf analytics. Submissions in the form of theoretical and applied research, review articles, and research notes are welcomed. Papers submitted do not have to include golfers or test golf as long as they further our understanding of one or more aspects of golf.
The Engaging Sports Engineering Grant supported the IJGS as an Open Access journal, aiming to not only provide the latest good quality academic research, but also for authors to provide a lay summary of the implications of their research to golfers, coaches/instructors/teachers and also policy makers. Since the receipt of the grant the journal has been able to cover the costs associated with an Open Access publication through Scholastica ( which covers all of the costs of producing a paper (including technical support for the submission and review process plus typesetting and online publication). In the past 12 months (noting the reduction of paper submissions during the Covid-19 period) we have had 23 papers submitted and currently there are 11 papers within the review process (since 2018 there have been 77 paper submitted). The grant is invaluable and supports the direction of the journal to remain open access to anyone with an interest in the science of the game.