Seminar of the Erasmus + Programm “weARable To monItor SporTs performance”
The funding was used to support the seminar of the Erasmus + Program “weARable To monItor SporTs performance” held on 17th December 2024 in the prestigious building of the Centro Congressi of the University of Naples Federico II. The audience was represented by students (i.e., 16 Bachelor, 15 Master, 2 Phd students) and staff (5 teachers and 2 technical-administrative members) involved in the Blended Intensive Programme Erasmus+ program “weARable To monItor SporTs performance” (ARTISTE). In details, students from three different countries (i.e., Italy, Germany and Austria) from the following academic courses were involved: Phd in Industrial Engineering (University of Naples Federico II), Master in Mechanical Engineering for Design and Production (University of Naples Federico II), Master in Sports Engineering (Chemnitz University of Technology), Master in Medical Engineering (Chemnitz University of Technology), Bachelor in Sports Engineering (Chemnitz University of Technology), Bachelor in Human Factors and Sports Engineering (University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien). Two additional members outside the BIP asked to attend the seminar (one university research from United Kingdom and one PhD student from University of Tor Vergata, Rome). The seminar has been also promoted within the activities of the ISEA Lecture Series organized by ISEA Outreach committee. In particular, using the zoom platform the event was available also for external audience (about 12 people connected during the event).
The event started with the welcome address by Prof. Antonio Lanzotti and a short presentation of the Blended Intensive Programme Erasmus+ program “ARTISTE” by Dr. Teodorico Caporaso (Coordinator of ARTISTE). Then, a short presentation of ISEA and its activities has been shown by the chair of the ISEA Outreach Committee (Dr. Giuseppe Sanseverino). Following, the main part of the seminar was represented by two talks. Speakers included Dr. Thomas Allen (Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom) and Prof. Ada Ferri (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) that presented two relevant topics on sport engineering field. In particular: Dr. Thomas Allen talked about the recommendations for the development of inclusive and sustainable sports technology with a focus on metamaterials for sports applications; Prof. Ada Ferri presented a talk on the evolution of smart materials in sportswear. As results of the talks two discussions involving the discussants (Dr. Stefan Litzenberger and Dr. Stefan Schwanitz), teachers and students from the audience (in presence and online) were carried out. Furthermore, as a direct result of our involvement in the seminar, several students involved in the project are now aware of the ISEA activities. In addition, as an indirect result of the funding, the seminar supported the students in their project works carried out inside the Erasmus+ program “ARTISTE”. Indeed, inside the project the students were divided into five groups in order to develop a wearable system to monitor sports performance for five different sport applications (i.e., Tennis, Padel, Table Tennis, Tug of War and Table Soccer). In particular, each group was able to present their project work to the audience in the final presentation of the program (held on 20th December also in Naples). The academic audience appreciated the quality of presentations, data treatment and quality of the solutions proposed inside the project works which were presented by the students. The funds were used also to develop promotional material associated with the event (with a dedicated person to collect photos during the event and prepare a related video) and to co-fund the expenses for the catering and speakers of the event. In conclusion, the ARISTE Seminar has favorable outcomes, and we thank ISEA for the support provided, which enabled us to engage existing and new audience with sports engineering themes, enhanced the students’ experience and knowledge and improve the collaboration and communications between all people and institutions involved in the event.